right to the city forum -
learning from kotti -
mural & workshop / hamburg -
everything can / must 2 -
training the eyes -
kids flip-book -
teaching / burg / halle -
ausland / website -
rent dossier / booklet -
kotti info -
booklet with sefin -
augenblicke 2 / exhibit -
berlin global village -
gecekondu plus -
worker writers / book -
kotti = no ponyhof -
haus der statistik -
#unteilbar -
re-municipalisation plus -
kiezheft #2 -
augen-blicke / exhibit -
we are the kotti kids -
urbanize! -
design in urban conflicts -
the fine art of living -
housing illustrations -
rent referendum -
urban citizenship revisited -
everything can & must -
design kommunikation medien -
DOX / prague -
interpretation of the world -
ultra red / school of echoes -
everything wrong -
hier entsteht -
interview > sandy kaltenborn -
kotti & co -
global prayers / HKW -
just soap -
memefest / melbourne -
the microscope -
seeing studies -
mov!ng on -
design critique / symposium -
werktage halle / lecture -
posterland / bruxxels -
G8 Hello posters -
engagement & graphic design -
political action theatre -
the lost moment -
istrike / mayday -
mayday 2007 -
solo show -
afghan woman association -
who´s crises? -
Spaceship Yugoslavia -
OCCUPRINT wallstreet / USA -
MERZ design school -
right to the city -
metroZones -
kein mensch ist illegal -
mayday / hamburg -
global prayers / NGBK -
südblock #2 -
lets talk about alternatives -
trans*_homo -
just posters -
no media spree -
memefest workshop -
südblock -
the iraqi equation -
miete essen seele auf -
backgrounds -
back to the present -
just cards -
nine points of the law -
just flowers -
schloss solitude / collective -
we are kreuzberg -
berlin – in eigener regie! -
as soon as … -
i love to you / sharjah -
unitednationsplaza -
merhaba, salam … -
critical teachers -