booklet with sefin
what: booklet
where: berlin, germany
when: 2022
a small booklet produced in the context of the project gecekondu plus. this was a collaboration with sefin. sefin a. is (was) 13 years old and lives at kottbusser tor in berlin. we got to know him as a student representative of the jens-nydahl elementary school in a previous project with the kotti-coop association.
his project was a questionnaire on the neighborhood of kottbusser tor. he interviewed people from the street with a set of questions and additionally had them take photos with their answers.
“hi there, i’m sefin and i’ve been living at kotti for over 4 years. kotti is a home for me. and although many people talk bad about it, i think it’s a very nice place. i did a project here in which i asked people about kotti. we hung the answers on large banners at the gecekondu. i really enjoyed working with my colleagues (athena, paco, sandy). through this project i met such nice people, and it was fun to work with them. thanks to sandy for this chance to work with such nice people. i hope the readers like what i’ve done here and that many people can also find kotti good.”
part of the project gecekondu plus.