afghan woman association

what: set of display posters
where: gemany
when: 2012

the afghan woman association was celebrating it´s 20 years anniversary. this small association of exile afghan woman are running several projects in support of afghan woman and children in afghanistan and pakistan. they operate schools, sewing schools, midwife projects, drilling wells, first aid stations and else – all of this 100% voluntarily and no money spend on any kind of bureaucracy. sandy kaltenborn´s mother (qamar kaltenborn) is an active member of this association and is in afghanistan many times a year. the troubled situation of afghanistan is therefore quite often present in the daily studio life.

for the anniversary in 2012 a big fund raising gala was held at the opera in köln (germany). for this we helped in producing the exhibition displays, which show the projects of the association. the slideshow photos show impressions of the work in afghanistan and pakistan, as well as some of the displays.

if you want to support the afghan woman association you can contact us.

afghan woman association

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