
what: poster design, programm layout
where: berlin, germany
when: october 2018

info: “urbanize! international festival for urban explorations / berlin 2018 / social movements, political power and the right to the city

the urbanize! international festival for urban explorations in berlin for 10 days opens up a networking, theory and practice platform for people who are interested in and committed to the “right to the city”. how can the city be shaped together in an emancipatory and democratic way? about thirty urban actors from berlin together with dérive – magazine for urban research (vienna) invite you to lectures, discussions, workshops, guided tours and urban explorations. together with berliners and international guests, they want to explore existing paths and break new grounds: for a pluralistic and collaborative, solidarity-based and common good-oriented urban development and (re)production of space.

in berlin – as in many other cities – one recently can observe how a new urban citizenship prevents privatizations aimed at maximizing profits, topples top-down development plans, draws up its own urban development concepts or wins local referendums. normal political and administrative action is put into creative unrest. examples are the persistent criticism of the sell-out of the city, also known as “real estate policy”, the social tenants’ protest “kotti & co”, the prevention of the planned privatization of former “dragoner areal” by “stadt von unten” (city from below) and other activists, the refugee occupations of oranienplatz and the gerhard-hauptmann school, the “bizim kiez” resistance against the gentrification and touristification of the wrangelkiez, the insistence on the stubborn greenery of the “prinzessinnengarten” or the rebellious pensioners of “stille straße”. they all demonstrate, how cities can be shaped in an emancipatory and democratic way by what are often neighbourhood-related movements.

urbanize! organizers and actors: Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik | Urbanitiez | suburban | Station urbaner Kulturen | Stadt AG Interventionistische Linke Berlin | ps wedding | Netzwerk Steuergerechtigkeit | Netzwerk Solidarity City Berlin | Netzwerk kommunal und selbstverwaltet Wohnen | metroZones | Kotti & Co | Institut für Strategien partizipativer Architektur und räumliche Aneignung | International Journal of Urban and Regional Research | Initiative Stadtneudenken | Initiative Stadt von Unten | Initiative Haus der Statistik | id22: In- stitut für kreative Nachhaltigkeit | Hidden Institute | Gebietsvertretung südliche Friedrichstadt | ExRotaprint | Experimentdays.18 | Dissertationsseminar an der AKBild Wien | Die Quelle | Critical Mapping in Municipalist Movements | Common Grounds | Prinzessinnengarten | Campus Cosmopolis | Bündnis Otto-Suhr-Siedlung & Umgebung | Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg | AmMa 65 | …

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