global prayers / NGBK

what: bookelt an other printet matter
where: berlin, world
when: 2012

global prayers is a research and exhibition project initiated by the berlin based association metrozones. image-shift developed the design and produced several things such as books, folders, exhibition booklets and else. please check our links below for further info and more entrys on our website in relation to this project

curators text on the exhibition at ngbk: “the international art exhibition the urban cultures of global prayers offers a differentiated view of the interrelations between urban development and sacred practices, between promises of spiritual redemption and social liberation. beyond ideological debates on the “regained strength of religiosity,” it becomes evident in the works of the artists from twelve countries that big cities are also always places of religious innovation. the show particularly addresses the cultural and urban practices of globally active new religious movements, allowing viewers to experience the urban settings, strategies, and productions of meaning of religious players and communities in metropolises of the global south such as lagos, mumbai, or rio de janeiro—but also in istanbul and berlin. the main emphasis of the exhibition is on the visual and media formats of photography, video installation, and soundscape.

new religious movements are playing an increasingly important role in cities. they are transforming the urban topography, appearing as economic as well as political players, and not seldom replacing the role of the state—across all regions and religions of the world. at the same time, urban cultures are being permeated by new religious practices such as islamic hip-hop or christian nollywood movies.



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