design kommunikation medien

what: text, editing and book design
where: berlin
when: 1999

design, communication, media > an entertaining and critical sampler including own texts, text fragments and quotations from the world of art, media and design – past and present. with numerous photos and cut out advertisements joined together. a special feature: references and footnotes were treated like pictures and represented equally in the appendix.

view booklet online

just soap

what: photo project
where: around the world
when: 2001

in time where the world is upside down and wartorn, everyone should take a break and wash ones hands. these soap packages are from the years 1982 to about 1990.


what: teaching / workshop and lecture
where: helsinki
when: 2009

on the invitation of marjatta itkonen, a graphic designer and professor at the aalto university in helsinki, we hosted a five-day workshop with 13 ma graphic design students. the workshop focused on “what does a designer or producer of images has to do with politics?” the students produced a very personal and imitate series of posters  that were distributed at the university and were meant to further provoke debate with other students.

aalto university

marjatta itkonen

mov!ng on

what: book design
where: berlin
when: 2005

exhibition book for a anti-racist exhibition project at the „society for fine art“ (ngbk) in berlin. we formally relativized the artistic, activist and academic distinctions and brought all into the same layout. a low-budget production, which by the rich volume and open paper was also a tactile pleasure.
note from the curators: „europe is changing. the borderlines on the political map lose their meaning at some points whilst they become even less traversable at others. situations which we know from border controls may be seen more and more in inner city areas. and what about the borders in our heads? /mov!ng on/ is concerned with the effects of european migration policy and shows strategies of border transgression, border displacement, how to make borders visible, to eliminate or disregard them. the work group of the ngbk has invited artistic and political positions on this subject to participate. diverse individuals and groups active in this field present their way of working in the multimedial exhibition and outside the gallery.“
the book came with contributions from: ag blinde passagiere, daniel blochwitz, candice breitz, chipkarten initiative, deportation class, petja dimitrova, esra ersen, experimentelles radio der bauhaus universität weimar, flüchtlingsinitiative brandenburg, alex gerbaulet, gesellschaft für legalisierung, henrik hentschel, kanak attak, martin krenn, mareike maage, eben mancho, jens maier-rothe, johannes mayr, mujeres sin rostro, plataforma für migrantinnen und flüchtlinge, papiere für alle! frauenlesben bündnis gegen illegalisierung und rassismus, refugees emancipation e.v., julika rudelius, (farida heuck, ralf homann, manuela unverdorben), spacecampaign, tiger b. stangl, studio b11, tarif_a, ultra-red, zala t. s. unkmeir, silke wagner, haytham el-wardany, mario weise, and more


werktage halle / lecture

what: lecture
where: halle
when: 2001

studying in germany has undergone a massive change in recent years as the bologna process was implemented in many universities. how do students deal with it? What impact does the BA and MA system have on their study and how do students look on their job perspective today. to find answers to these questions, students of the art school in halle organized a multi-day conference. we gave a  lecture on „basic-banalities“ in our design profession and reflected on terms like „creativity“, „work-life balance“, „education“,“ flexibility“, „self management“, and more …

engagement & graphic design

what: curatorial work, exhibition design, editorial work, interviews, book design, events
where: berlin, paris
when: 2000

an exhibition and book project on the post 68 grapus graphic design tradition in france. as the exhibition, the book contains numerous works and interviews with design collectives such as nous travallions ensemble, ne pas plier, les graphistes associes, la fabrique d’images and other socially and politically engaged graphic design collectives. if you read german > check out the book! (link below)

view book online

exhibition review (german)


what: book series
where: berlin
when: 2007 – 2012

for metrozones, an urban research group based in berlin, we designed around seven books – as well as the design concept for the whole edition. we will eventually add more info and images on the specific book projects. for now you can have a look at one of these books: „hier entsteht“  (link below)

hier entsteht


kein mensch ist illegal

what: poster series
where: berlin and beyond
when: 1998

a poster series for the “no one is illegal” campaign, which was founded in 1998 at the documenta X in kassel. “no one is illegal is a loosely connected international network of antiracist groups and religious asylum initiatives that represents non-resident immigrants who stay illegally and are at risk of deportation. the network has started a campaign and held rallies to bring wider attention to the situation of refugees. the campaign initially began in germany as no person is illegal (german: kein mensch ist illegal or kmi) and has spread to other countries, including canada.” (wikipedia)

just posters

what: book design, text work, exhibition
where: stuttgart
when: 2000

a book on the poster design of sandy kaltenborn (image-shift) published by edition solitude, accomplished by a small exhibition: “artists’ works in a social or in a political context have become rare. nevertheless – they are more important than ever. a selection of posters, prints and photographs of the last six years show of the graphic designer sandy k./kaltenborn’s engagement in a social and political context. a detailed appendix explains the context of the works’ creation. – “and then there is the problem concerning the graphic designer. is it his job to estheticize a reality or to contribute to its politicalization?” (vincent perrottet in “engagement & grafik”/ berlin 2000)

akademie schloss solitude

engagement & grafik design


what: booklet design
where: berlin
when: 2000

ver.di is germany’s largest service employees union with its headquarters in berlin. in order to build upon active union strictures ver.di published a handbook, “organize yourself” the first in a series of handbooks to motivate active union structures. the concept of organizing first originated in the usa and uk. the handbook provides concrete information and examples on how workers can effectively organize and strike.


just cards

what: cards
where: berlin
when: 1999

just cards – little free give aways – printed on the side of other projects print sheets – rather than dumping paper into the trash at the printshop (…)

schloss solitude / collective

what: residency, network building
where: stuttart & beyond
when: 2000

collective distribution was a network of artists designers and writers who came together for the summer of 2001 in stuttgart, germany, invited by gerard paris-clavel of ne pas plier. mission statement: “what brought us together was our engagement in social and political contexts in our countries. wanting to intervene with different strategies in situations we want to change, encouraging others, and not least ourselves, to take action in shaping society.

the collective worked on a few projects, one of which was creating a space in brussels, called l’atelier des (in)visables during the anti-eu demonstrations in the year 2000. collective distribution are: cactus network (london), eimigrative art (brussels),sandy kaltenborn / image-shift / bildwechsel (berlin), el fantasma de heredia (buenos aires), guilty (london), headmade (warschau), john jordan (london), brian holmes / ne pas plier (ivry), nexus (athens), skart group (belgrade), tract’eur (paris)

more at catus network

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